Nick shows his bowling skills, Mar. 2016.
DK, Morgan, and Gannon on group game night, Apr. 2016.
Nick showing the glove box to kids during the Chemistry Open House, May 2016.
DK (aka PSY Jr.) digs dry solvents, Fall 2016.
Amy celebrating the acceptance of her paper, Oct. 2016.
Dan, Sean, and Danny are making the Holland group great again, Dec. 2016. (Pat does not approve of these hats.)
Mackenzie and Emily celebrating the completion of their thesis research, April 2017.
A little "welcome back gift" in Pat's office, July 2017.
Sean is rocking the uke at the group lake party, Aug. 2017.
Another beautiful day for the group lake party, Aug. 2017.
Tori and Daniel help students at Common Ground High School learn GC, Dec. 2017.
Daniel (and the pin) are still standing at the group bowling trip, Feb. 2018.
Gannon enjoys a "hurricane" at the New Orleans ACS meeting, Mar. 2018.
Danny and Sean discussing patriotic matters at Independence Day party, July 2018.
Gannon explaining "green chemistry" to high-school students in Pathways to Science, July 2018.
Kaz, Allie, and Gannon on paddleboards during our annual lake trip, July 2018.
Kuan is loving the paddleboard at the lake trip, July 2018.
Sean and Danny present their collaborative work, July 2018.
Conner trying Dan's grilled watermelon after the Yale Chemistry Symposium, August 2018.
A heated lunch discussion led to the Holland Group's first fried chicken taste test, at group meeting, Dec. 2018.