Group News

Welcome to Lindsey and Kendal

December 2024

We’re very happy to welcome two new graduate students to the Holland Group! Kendal Southwell comes to us from Trinity College, where he did research with Jason Shearer. Lindsey Baker comes to us from Kalamazoo College, where she did research with Dwight Williams as well as Tim Brewster at the University of Memphis. We’re looking forward to fun times with both of them in the coming years!

Congrats to Team Carbyne and Team N2 Splitting

November 2024

2024 has been an epic publication year for the Holland Group, topped off by two JACS papers. The first was initiated by Cory MacLeod and Sean McWilliams, who discovered a series of carbonyl and carbyne complexes, and then brought through the fire by Allie Nagelski, who changed around substituents to enable purification and did a ton of analysis. She was assisted by Sam MacMillan and Kyle Lancaster at Cornell, who made essential XAS and DFT contributions that enabled us to show that carbon bridges in diiron complexes can effectively “buffer” changes in charge, a role that may be important in the FeMoco of nitrogenase. The second was initiated by Jeremy Weber and then finished by Alec Hegg; they worked with the groups of Alex Miller and Hannah Shafaat to show a series of rhenium complexes that split N2 to nitrides, and then the nitrides can give ammonia electrochemically. Both studies involved careful mechanistic study, analysis of ligand covalency and redox activity, and careful computations that make me proud. Great work!!!


October 2024

Please check out, which we created in collaboration with the groups of Alan Goldman (Rutgers) and Alex Miller (U. North Carolina Chapel Hill) under NSF support. It describes a number of cool experiments revolving around electrochemistry, which are appropriate for students in middle school or high school. Thanks to numerous Holland Group students who have developed these activities, including Gannon Connor, Jeremy Weber, Daniel Kim, Dan DiPrimio, Allie Nagelski, Ryan Donnelly, and most of all Alec Hegg who was the major Yale driver toward the website.

Awards to Linda

August 2024

Double congratulations to Linda Zuckerman, who has received two awards based on her accomplishments. First, she was awarded a Dean’s Emerging Scholars Research Award, which provides travel support to students who have contributed to inclusiveness in the department. Then, most recently she received an ACS Leadership in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect Recognition Award. Both of these have as a major component the fact that she has been an inspiring leader of the Chemistry Peer Resource Advocates, who initiate and support inclusiveness initiatives in our department and help to guide community members toward university resources when they are having trouble. Congratulations Linda, and thanks for this amazing service to inclusiveness!

Congratulations Savannah

July 2024

Congratulations to Savannah Mason on her graduation with a Ph.D.! Savannah has been an amazing joint student with Scott Miller’s group for the last five years. Her magnum opus is a paper from a collaboration with Julian West and his student Sarah Buszaki (Rice Univ.) that just appeared in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Wishing Savannah the best with her coming job at MASS Analytics.

Iron-nickel clusters ahoy!

June 2024

One of our newest areas of research is on iron-sulfur clusters that incorporate nickel. These are relevant to understanding of the active site of CO dehydrogenase, an enzyme that reduces CO2 and oxidizes CO at an iron-nickel-sulfur cluster. We now have some flags placed in the ground: Sam and Teddy wrote a review for Chem that highlights some of the challenges in the field, and Dan and Majed worked together with Zachary Mathe and Serena DeBeer (MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion) to make novel iron-nickel-tungsten-sulfur clusters in a paper that just came out in JACS. Congratulations to them on their outstanding papers, and looking forward to more cool science on this front!

NSF fellowship for Carmelita

April 2024

Congratulations to Carmelita Ro-Mendez, on receiving a NSF fellowship and on her graduation from Yale. Carmelita will be pursuing graduate studies at the University of Washington next year, and we’re excited to see her continued successes. Go Carmelita!!

NIH fellowship to Sam

March 2024

Congratulations to Sam Newman-Stonebreaker, who was chosen to receive a postdoctoral fellowship from the National Institutes of Health. Chosen on the basis of his proposal and his promise for continued great research, this fellowship is an important recognition of his outstanding scientific abilities. Great job, Sam!

More catalysis wonderfulness

March 2024

As readers will know, we’ve been interested in transformations of alkenes for many years. In our latest installment, we teamed up with MJ Koh (National University of Singapore), who developed a really cool difunctionalization of alkenes catalyzed by iron complexes. Juan Serviano, our intrepid Holland Group catalysis warrior, did many spectroscopic experiments on their catalyst system and DFT calculations, which helped to identify and rule out various resting-state structures. This has now appeared in Nature Catalysis, and features an interesting mechanism in which alkene binding to iron induces Fe-C bond homolysis that leads to the key C-C bond formation. Great job, Juan!

Conner's excellent paper

January 2024

Congratulations to Conner Wilson on the acceptance of his outstanding paper on the mechanism of oxidative MHAT reactions, which is appearing in J. Am. Chem. Soc. It describes a thorough combination of identifying cobalt species, monitoring catalytic reactions, and analyzing kinetics; this was used to identify active catalyst species and recommend better conditions for future synthetic chemists. Great job, Conner!
