Group News

Welcome to Ryan and Teddy!

November 2022

We are pleased to welcome first-year students Ryan Donnelly and Teddy Girard to the Holland Group! Ryan comes to us from Holy Cross, and Teddy from Loyola University, and we’re excited to embark on new inorganic chemistry with Teddy and Ryan. Onward and upward!

Congraduations to Sam

October 2022

A hearty congratulations to Sam Bhutto, who completed his thesis this month. Sam has been our resident expert on C-N coupling and has contributed to the group culture and research in innumerable ways. We are super proud of Sam, and his positive attitude, knowledge, and hard work will continue to serve him well in his postdoctoral research with Louise Berben at UC Davis.

Welcome to Carmelita

September 2022

We’re excited to welcome Carmelita Ro-Mendez to the lab. Carmelita is a junior at Yale, and will be pushing back the frontiers of our work with SCS pincer ligated iron complexes. Looking forward to great work together, Carmelita!

Congraduations to Jeremy

August 2022

A huge congratulations to Jeremy Weber, who was an amazing group member for the past five years. Jeremy’s mentoring and team-minded spirit, as well as his deep thinking about nitrogen activation pathways, has been inspirational. Jeremy is moving on to a position at L3 Harris, and we look forward to his future successes. Great job, Jeremy!

Welcome to Chris

June 2022

We are excited to add to our team Chris Gendy, a new postdoctoral co-worker. Chris comes to us after Ph.D. work with Roland Roesler at Univ. Calgary, and postdoctoral work with Heikki Tuononen at Univ. Jyväskylä and Doug Stephan at Univ. Toronto. Chris is pursuing his interests in low-coordinate iron compounds in our lab, and we’re happy to have him as a coworker for the next months!

double congrats to Allie

June 2022

Congratulations to Allie Nagelski for two key accomplishments this past month! First, Allie was named Best Poster Presentation at the Fusion Conference on Small-Molecule Activation, for her poster on the synthesis and properties of diiron complexes relevant to nitrogenase. Second, after her similarly outstanding poster presentation at the Inorganic Chemistry Gordon Conference, she was elected Co-Chair of the Gordon Research Seminar for the next conference (2024). Great job, Allie!

paper on cobalt(IV) alkyls in JACS

June 2022

Congrats to Conner Wilson and DK Kim, whose paper on a salen-supported cobalt(IV) isopropyl complex has now appeared in J. Am. Chem. Soc. They generated this species at low temperature, and looked at its reactivity and spectroscopy (the latter in collaboration with Brian Hoffman’s group). These were interpreted through essential DFT calculations by Reagan Hooper (assisted by Rinaldo Poli). We learned that the complex has significant contribution from a resonance form that is cobalt(II)-(isopropyl cation), which explains its unusual Co-C bond energy, redox potential, reactivity, and catalytic relevance. Great job, all!

Welcome to Hanin

June 2022

We are excited to welcome Hanin Sarhan, who will be a postbaccalaureate student for the next year. Hanin comes to us from Michigan State, and will be doing an organic project in collaboration with Scott Miller’s group and Savannah Mason in particular. Hanin is part of the exciting ACS Bridge program, where she will get to know a range of other scholars across campus and the country. Yay Hanin!

Danny Broere highlighted 

June 2022

Danny Broere, a recent postdoc in the group, is having great success in his independent academic position at Utrecht University. He was highlighted by Angew. Chem. recently ( Keep it up, Danny!

Welcome to Frank and Javin

June 2022

Welcome to two new summer undergraduates who have joined the group for the summer. Frank Peprah is a student from Amherst College, who will be working on a new ligand synthesis with us. Javin Patel is a student from Arizona State, who will be working on a new alkene reaction. Having you two with us is a pleasure, and we look forward to your contributions!
