Group News

Dan D: The Master of Angewandte

January 2017

Dan DeRosha has the 1-2 combination, having two papers accepted in Angewandte Chemie in rapid succession. One is a description of his work on an interesting cobalt-dioxygen complex that becomes activated by a second metal, for which he did extensive mechanistic studies that helped to understand the process. The other is the culmination of work started by postdocs Cory MacLeod and Richard Lewis, which showed the amazing bond-cleaving ability of low-coordinate iron toward C-H and C-N bonds in pyridines. A big congratulations to Dan and the other contributors to these papers!

New paper on diazoalkanes in IC

January 2017

Congratulations to the team of Kasia Grubel, Megan Reesbeck, and Daniel Kim, whose paper on diazoalkane-derived complexes of low-coordinate iron has now appeared in Inorganic Chemistry. They found several interesting complexes, and Daniel did some excellent calculations and wrapping-up work, which led to this very strong publication. Great job!

Paper on diazene cleavage in JACS

August 2016

We’re excited that an extensive mechanistic paper on the cleavage of N-N double bonds by iron-hydride complexes was accepted at J. Am. Chem. Soc. This paper was the culmination of a huge amount of work, including the initial discovery of the reaction by Guru Raj, the characterization of compounds, mechanistic work, and computations by Sarina Bellows, and detailed kinetic studies by Nick Arnet. Congratulations!

Paper on nitride C-H cleavage in JACS

August 2016

We’re excited that our report on the cleavage of C-H bonds and formation of N-H and N-C bonds from N2-derived nitrides will be appearing in J. Am. Chem. Soc. This was outstanding work by Cory MacLeod, assisted by Sean McWilliams in our lab, as well as Fabian Menges and Steph Craig from Mark Johnson’s lab. Of course, we couldn’t have done it without expert crystallography from Brandon Mercado. Great job, team!!

Welcome to Danny Broere

August 2016

We are happy to welcome Danny Broere, a new postdoctoral fellow in the group who will be working on iron-nitrogen chemistry. Danny comes to us after graduate work with Jarl Ivar van der Vlugt in Amsterdam, and earned a prestigious Rubicon Fellowship to support his work at Yale. Looking forward to great work together!

Gannon review on alkali-dinitrogen accepted

July 2016

Gannon Connor’s insightful and comprehensive review on alkali metal interactions with metal-N2 complexes was accepted at Catalysis Today as part of a special issue on dinitrogen chemistry. This paper does a great job of linking surface effects to molecular chemistry, and we hope that it is useful to the community of scholars interested in new routes to N2 reduction. Great job, Gannon!

Perspective by Ilija published in JACS  

June 2016

Ilija has written an excellent summary of synthetic compounds relevant to the current understanding of nitrogenase. This beautiful paper is a great service to the community, as it is full of ideas for the future. Congratulations and a job well done!

Congratulations on graduations

May 2016

Congratulations to Bachelor’s graduate David Minoli, Yale class of 2016, and to Ph.D. graduates Chi Chen, Nick Arnet, and Megan Reesbeck. David kicked off a new direction for thiolate research in our lab, and did a great job. Chi revolutionized the cobalt chemistry in our lab to include new, synthetically useful catalytic reactions. Nick was the master of sulfide-hydride complexes and mechanisms, and Megan mastered new sulfide and carbene complexes. We wish them all the best in their careers!

Welcome to Amy Speelman

May 2016

A warm welcome to our newest postdoctoral coworker, Amy Speelman. Amy comes to us after a Ph.D. with Nicolai Lehnert at the University of Michigan, where she worked on sensitive NO complexes. We look forward to her upcoming research on N2 that will say YES instead of NO!

Postducks swimming away

May 2016

Congratulations to our postdoctoral associates who are moving on to permanent positions. Cory MacLeod has started a job at Chemtura, a chemical company in Connecticut, while Ilija Coric will soon start a group leader position at the University of Zürich in Switzerland. We wish you the best as you continue your excellent chemistry careers!
